Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice enables us to better serve as an international organization focused on building capacity and personal relationships among seabird conservationists, managers, and researchers worldwide.
We are committed to taking action to strengthen DEIJ by:
- Improving accessibility and existing communication platforms (including through translations) to support and amplify its underrepresented colleagues’ science, experiences, and voices.
- Promoting diversification and increasing opportunities for member organizations to understand, share, and lead DEIJ efforts, including training, education materials, and discussion boards.
- Fostering and strengthening guidance and leadership opportunities for local researchers to support seabird monitoring, scientific studies, or conservation efforts.
- Strengthening WSU’s governance structure, including refining board length and duties, bylaws, representation, and operational guidance to ensure diverse representation.
- Hosting seabird events and panels that incorporate showcasing underrepresented perspectives and research.