Who We Are?

Tegan Carpenter-Kling

In her MSc and PhD research, Tegan worked with dietary and tracking data to understand the response of albatrosses, penguins and petrels to their ever change foraging landscape. Since, she has applied her skills learnt toward the cause to conserve the African penguin, working for BirdLife South Africa and now, as a post-doctoral researcher, towards building a marine spatial plan in South Africa following ecosystem-based approach that would effectively increase chances of conserving all marine biodiversity.

“I spent two years on Marion Island, sub-Antarctic, working with the numerous albatrosses, petrels, and penguin species that breed there. I was struct that even though in this extremely isolated population, the effect of human activities had a negative influence on these beautiful creators. I then worked together gathering as many skills as possible within my MSc and PhD research that would enable me to work towards furthering the conservation and protection of these birds in the future.”

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