Who We Are?
Juliet Lamb
Juliet currently works as a Marine Scientist with The Nature Conservancy. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, a Master’s degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she studied habitat management for breeding terns in the Gulf of Maine, and a Ph.D. from Clemson University, where she studied spatial and foraging ecology of Brown Pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico. She has also worked on research projects in a variety of seabird taxa including gulls, gannets, sea ducks, and shearwaters along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America and in the North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Indian Ocean. Her research focuses on applying spatial tools alongside physiology, disease ecology, energetics, reproductive biology, and trophic relationships to better understand how seabirds interact with their environments and how they can inform us about the state of the oceans. She is also passionate about transboundary seabird conservation and improving access and inclusion in seabird science. She is the incoming chair of the Pacific Seabird Group and a past council member for the Waterbird Society.
“While I love pure research, I truly believe we are stronger together and am especially excited about projects that help us break down barriers within and beyond the scientific community. I recently organized a symposium on the intersection between water justice and aquatic bird conservation, and am currently working on a manuscript to help scientists better integrate human well-being outcomes and empower indigenous and local communities through their science. With the WSU, I’m especially proud of putting together the World of Seabirds Video Series and look forward to adding more videos in advance of the next World Seabird Conference!”